JMB Group


100% fresh


JMB Group is one of the  Vegetable exporters in Pakistan. We produce the best quality Onions, tomatoes, and Potatoes. Our extensive experience has helped us set up a large customer base in different areas worldwide including the food businesses.

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100 % Organic


Potatoes cultivation is strongly concentrated in the Punjab region, Pakistan. They’re generally eaten boiled, baked, or fried and frequently served as a side dish or snacks. Also used in Common potato-based foods and food products include Chips & Snacks, French fries, potato chips, and potato flour. High dry matter levels and low sugars make Lady Rosetta Potatoes the excellent quality within medium-term storage crisping variety; red-skinned, round-shaped crisp potato with shallow eyes. Lady Rosetta Potatoes are also very suitable for starch and mashed. Fresh Cooking potatoes with skin are a good source of many vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and vitamin C.



Red Onions actually contain less sugar than other types. Red onions are one of the best natural sources of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that is particularly well suited for scavenging free radicals.Aside from its antioxidant properties, quercetin has been found to possess cancer fighting and anti-inflammatory properties.


Tomato belongs to solanaceae family. It is one of the very popular vegetables in Pakistan. It is widely used in salad as well as for culinary purposes. The popularity of tomato and its products continue to rise as it contains significant amount of vitamin A, C

Being not only producer we have keen focus to ...

To direct our steps to the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its customers and ultimate consumers, guaranteeing economically competitive and of consistent quality, harmless products and services that allow us to keep and increase our rentability and participation in the international market.

To promote the quality improvement of the labor and personal life of each member of the human team that forms the company, maintaining safe work environments, with the protection and training of its collaborators in order to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.

To minimize and/or eliminate the environmental impact – negative, significant – generated from our operations, incorporating technologies, equipment, and processes according to the environment, personal security, and the current legislation.


we always insist on the Best!

Quality Policy

The quality checks are followed and executed by our team of experienced quality control professionals, providing a complete assurance that our customers receive superior quality produce at the same time maintaining a safe, healthy, comfortable and hygienic working environment for all of our employees. We strive to improve and achieve the latest international food standards,thus being a frontrunner and a role model in the arena of quality and hygiene.


Experience the difference.

Open your door to the world of fresh Vegetable

Check our online store to find your favorite fresh fruits and vegetable there

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Cold Storage

We have a built-in cold storage facility equipped with the latest refrigeration and food storage technology, that allows the products to breathe and stay fresh for a longer period of time, ultimately increasing the shelf life of the product. With an extensive storage capacity along with with additional tertiary space, generated using our state-of-the-art storage extension system, we are ready to meet the ever-expanding market demands in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables in the country and spread our wings beyond the region.

You need to know

JMB has an excellent business development department, experienced in wholesale and retail of fresh fruits and vegetables, who assist in developing the business further in domestic and international markets. Our department maintains constant and ongoing interaction with leading retailers, exporters, wholesalers, hotels, caterers, processors, etc. to drive the sales in the domestic market and overseas.

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