JMB Group


Fresh apples


One of the most nutritious, aromatic and delicious fruit.

JMB Group is one of the leading Apple exporters from Pakistan and we are exporting fresh and best quality of Apples to the Central Asian States, Middle East and Sri-Lanka. In recent years our Apple export from Pakistan has seen a great boost and our export is increasing day by day in the international market.


About our Apples

In Pakistan, the apple is Balochistan. Apple is a symbol of health, beauty and love. Apple is also called the sweet gold of Pakistan. This fruit has universal cultivation and worldwide consumption in many forms. Balochistan has the largest area under fruits in Pakistan as nearly one million tons of fruits are annually produced from 0.23 million hectares. In this way, Balochistan's share in country's fruit area and production is 32.6 per cent and 17.4 per cent, respectively. The production of deciduous fruits (particularly apple) in Balochistan has a special significance among other fruit growing areas. This is because the environmental conditions are relative far more suitable for the production of apple. Therefore, apple is the first largest planted fruit in Balochistan in the province. Apple is grown in highlands of Balochistan and it covers 0.101 million hectares with a production of 0.224 million tones having retail value of about Rs6.7 billion. The Tur-Kulu (Red Delicious) and Shin-Kulu (Golden Delicious) are the famous varieties for their very attractive color and taste throughout Pakistan. Apples are usually grown in abundance in the areas of Baluchistan and Khyber and in the areas of adjoining Afghanistan and China.

The apple contains 80 to 85% of water. Approximately 5% of protein or nitrogenous material. 10 to 15% of acids and salts. A fresh apple is rich in vitamins C, B, A and is amongst the most valuable of the anti-scorbutic fruits for relieving scurvy. All apples contain a varying amount of the organic acids, malic acid and gallic acid, and an abundance of salts of both potash and soda, as well as salts of lime, magnesium and iron. Apple come in all shades of reds, greens, and yellows. Apples are fat, sodium and cholesterol free. Apple float because 25% of their volume is air. Apples have five seed pockets each with a seed. To get the full value of an apple, it should be eaten unpeeled as the valuable acids and salts of the Apple in and just below the skin.

It can be used in many different ways. It is cooked, made into preserves, Jellies, candied, canned, prepared as fresh apple juice, and made into cider or vinegar. The peel is used for making pectin.


Most of the commercially grown apple cultivars in Pakistan require a cooler climate than all other fruits. Apple thrives
and fruits best under a relatively cool slow growing season, usually met with at higher altitudes. Varieties grown under
such conditions are Amri, Kashmiri Amri, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Sky spur, Banki, Kulu etc.  Low chilling varieties such as Anna, Summer Gold and Golden Dorset have been identified giving encouraging results and hence can successfully be grown in lower elevations.



Packing and Storage:

Fruits should be harvested at proper picking maturity. The time of picking will depend upon the degree of maturity which in turn depends upon the keeping quality of the fruit. Apples picked at immature stage results in poor quality and flavor, tend to shrivel and are subject to physiological disorders such as scald, bitter pit, soft and brown core. Fruits do not mature evenly on the tree; therefore, more than one picking are required. Avoid bruising and stem punctures. Picking should start from lower branches of a tree advancing towards the top. After picking apples should be put under cover in the coolest, well ventilated place. Apples may be packed in wooden crate, card board boxes, and cartons or in film bags. Before packing the fruit should be graded according to size and exterior quality of the apple. The length of post-harvest life during storage will depend upon the stage of maturation at harvest time, the length of the fruit remains at ordinary storage temperature and at cold temperature, season of picking and the variety itself


International standards & strict quality controls

 We have approved intentional standards of GLOBAL GAP, HACCP, UKAS and ISO 22000 to ensure the best quality. No compromise on quality. Everything is in order and operated under personal supervision and strong quality checkouts.

We have a very strong network, equipped with latest machinery along with highly qualified & trained manpower in all major growing areas. All they have number of years’ experience.


Packaging Detail

We are providing customize packaging as per customers' requirements. Well-organized, rapid, efficient, and flexible. Our Apples are available in all Standard/ regular packaging. We are providing from 05 kg and 15 kg Printed Corrugated cartoons.


We have one of the best and largest processing, grading and sorting pack house. JMB Group has its own processing units along with cold storage facility at Karachi pack house.

Delivery Detail

Delivery time within minimum required transit time for your destination after confirmation order. We can assistance you out

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